Leveraging WordPress Outsourcing for Efficient Web Development

 As a designer or project manager undertaking client projects, you may confront a familiar dilemma — keeping pace with the relentless advancements in the WordPress ecosystem and aligning your website design services with the most recent best practices and trends.

Undeniably, WordPress is a well-liked platform with a vibrant community that introduces inventive solutions daily, and WordPress plugin development is at the heart of this continuous evolution.

So, aside from preserving your design acumen, do you need to incessantly refine your WordPress proficiency too? Well, it might not be necessary if you contemplate the practical solution of outsourcing WordPress development.

Does the concept of outsourcing WordPress development resonate with you? Let's delve deeper into this idea.

Outsourcing, especially in the context of WordPress websites, is a captivating notion. Formally, it's defined as the delegation of particular business tasks to a skilled external service provider.

In simpler terms, an outsourcing partner or a white-label agency is an entity that offers its high-quality development services to another business, fostering a long-term relationship rather than a one-time transaction with an individual customer.

How widespread is this practice? It's extensively prevalent, particularly in the realm of custom WordPress and website development services, due to its numerous advantages.

Udemy reports that outsourcing is consistently growing. Over 2 million jobs were outsourced in 2013 (U.S. data), with a significant chunk of it in the IT sector (43% of jobs outsourced primarily to China and India).
Your Objectives and Obstacles

The popularity of outsourcing is driven by a simple reason — organizations outsource tasks that can be accomplished more affordably by an external party compared to their internal team.

So, your challenge is to achieve the same cost-effectiveness with your WordPress-related assignments.

Meaning, your outsourcing needs to be economical, timely, and of adequate quality.

Let’s use this statement as a reference point for our outsourcing objectives.

Additionally, it's beneficial to have a precise checklist of goals. Some possible goals for your WordPress outsourcing could be:

Reducing XX% time spent on WordPress tasks without compromising the final output's quality.
Establishing a long-term association with an individual outsourcing partner or a firm.
Allocating XX% of the entire project’s budget to outsourcing (so that you can outsource a portion of the job while maintaining a healthy profit margin).

What WordPress Tasks to Outsource

You likely have a rough idea of the tasks you can outsource if you're reading this. Now would be a good time to jot down your thoughts.

To assist you, here are some common WordPress tasks you can start with (from a designer's viewpoint constructing a site for a client):

  • Entire PSD-to-WordPress conversion: You provide the PSDs, they return the PHP files.
  • WordPress installation and setup: May seem simple, but it can be time-consuming if you're managing multiple sites.
  • Maintaining WordPress site security: With new threats and protective plugins emerging frequently, having someone to handle this for your already established sites could be wise.
  • Performing manual code modifications to enable custom features: Clients often have specific requests that aren't easily accomplished with plugins.
  • Providing client support for WordPress-related issues: Have someone competent enough to answer your clients' queries.

The more specific you are with the tasks you want to outsource, the better the outcome.

How to Outsource WordPress Tasks

The subsequent step in this journey is deciding your outsourcing strategy. Consider these three primary paths:

(a) Outsource basic, one-time tasks only.
(b) Hire a freelancer for repeated collaborations.
(c) Engage with an agency and potentially form a partnership.

Depending on your willingness to invest time and money, and your confidence in delegating tasks, you can make an informed decision on the best path for you.

To facilitate this decision, let's discuss the pros and cons of each path.

(a) Outsource basic, one-time tasks only


  • Requires a small financial investment.
  • Easy to isolate minor WordPress tasks from your larger project.
  • Ability to test multiple outsourcing partners simultaneously.

This outsourcing type can have a higher failure rate. For instance, is it better to hire someone's nephew for $10 to design a logo, or an agency to design the entire site with the logo? Which is more likely to fail?

(b) Hiring a freelancer for repeated collaborations


  • Develop a relationship with a single individual and teach them your expectations.
  • Remains affordable.
  • Abundance of freelancers in the WordPress community.
  • Every subsequent project requires less management and ensures better quality consistency.


  • Initial learning curve to understand mutual expectations.
  • Finding the right person can be time-consuming.

(c) Engaging with an agency and potentially forming a partnership


  • Higher chances of receiving quality work (if partnering with a reputable agency).
  • Your work will likely be delivered on time and reviewed by multiple people before reaching you.


  • Cost considerations.

Where to Find Your Outsourcing Partner

The internet is teeming with platforms that can connect you with potential outsourcing partners. Some of the most popular ones include:

Upwork: A platform that offers a massive pool of professionals specializing in diverse fields, including WordPress development.
Freelancer: Another vast platform to find freelancers with the skills you require.
Codeable: A premium outsourcing service that connects you with WordPress experts.
WP Curve: A WordPress-specific service providing unlimited small fixes and support for a monthly fee.
TopTal: A high-end platform, where you can find the top 3% of freelance talent.

Remember, every platform has its pros and cons, so you should choose based on your specific needs and preferences.

Outsourcing Partner Selection

Choosing an outsourcing partner is a critical step in this process. Here are some tips:

1. Check Portfolio: Always review their previous work to get an idea of their skills and experience.
2. Read Reviews: Client reviews can give you insights into their reliability, professionalism, and quality of work.
3. Interview: Have a direct conversation with them to understand their work style, communication skills, and whether they align with your needs.

Outsourcing can be a powerful tool to handle the increasing complexity of WordPress development while focusing on your core competencies. If done right, it can significantly enhance your productivity and profitability. Remember, the key to successful outsourcing is finding the right partner and establishing clear, effective communication.

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