How to delete all WHMCS clients with an SQL command

 To run a MySQL command to delete all users in a WHMCS database, you can use the following steps. Please note that this operation is irreversible and will delete all users from the database, so proceed with caution.

  1. Backup Your Database: Before performing any delete operations, make sure to back up your database to avoid accidental data loss.

  2. Connect to MySQL: Use a MySQL client (such as MySQL Workbench, phpMyAdmin, or the MySQL command line) to connect to your WHMCS database.

  3. Run the Delete Command: Execute the SQL command to delete all user entries from the relevant table. In WHMCS, users are typically stored in the tblclients table.

Here is the SQL command to delete all records from the tblclients table:

DELETE FROM tblclients;

This command will delete all rows in the tblclients table, effectively removing all user records.

Steps to Run the Command

Using MySQL Command Line:

  1. Open your terminal.
  2. Log in to your MySQL database:

    mysql -u yourusername -p
  3. Select your WHMCS database:

    USE your_whmcs_database_name;
  4. Execute the delete command:

    DELETE FROM tblclients;

Using phpMyAdmin:

  1. Log in to phpMyAdmin.
  2. Select your WHMCS database.
  3. Click on the SQL tab.
  4. Enter the delete command:

    DELETE FROM tblclients;
  5. Click the Go button to execute the command.

Using MySQL Workbench:

  1. Open MySQL Workbench and connect to your database.
  2. Select your WHMCS database.
  3. Open a new SQL tab.
  4. Enter the delete command:

    DELETE FROM tblclients;
  5. Execute the command by clicking the lightning bolt icon or pressing Ctrl+Enter.


  • Ensure that you understand the implications of deleting all user records.
  • This command will not delete related data in other tables. You might need to delete related records in other tables to maintain database integrity.

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