
These guys have done a great job of marketing just about every software script out there and also offering the vendor a generous commission. When this happens there is not enough money spent on the support and development of the hosting provider and service suffers. Alike Godaddy, Arvixe servers are bogged down and over loaded. The support is also lacking when a user requires assistance. It is surprising they have done so well in shmoosing all those software vendors over to use them as a recommended host when they are in fact awful. When you look at the commissions you get when promoting them it is not hard to reason why.

phpFox is a perfect example of this, for years they were the number one recommended hosting provider when the can barely meet the minimum requirements. Why did phpFox allow this? Because of the low cost and commissions they would make.

We signed up to affiliate platform just to see and for every user we refer from this link: earns us a whooping $70!

We also wrote a blog on this tactic over here: Why Your Software Vendor May Not Be Great For Recommending Hosts

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